I've had these four little fellas hanging around in my space for a week or so and they sure have been getting lots of "oohs" and "ahhs" from visitors.
The owls were made using the new and soon to be available Owl Mobile pattern from Craft Schmaft. Claire does magic things with socks - little monsters, dogs, G-rafs. It seems that wearing socks on your feet is soooooo yesterday! Head over to her new shop to have a look, but be ready to ooh and ahh.
And don't forget to fly over to Kootoyoo and say hoot to Kirsty and all the other creative people.
so cute!
These are absolutely too cute (or hoot perhaps). A great little flock.
Awww those are adorable!!!!
I have an owl lover who would adore them. Wemight have to make some too.
Lovely additions to your family! They are gorgeous x
nikki...you always find the most unique little softies...no exception here!
they are wonderful!! OOZing personality and life. I really love them!!
Lots of ooohs and ahhhs here too! Super cute little owls. :)
ohhh..ahhhh...sooo cute! great job Nikki. ♥
Aaaw, super cute!
How fab are they?! These are the best! Great space :) K
Not just for feet! Who knew? They are ridiculously cute - I'd love to suss out some more sock-critter action.
great choice of socks, cute little owls.
well what can one say.......they are just super!!!
oh! Adorable..:)
These are adorable indeed. Cute!
I love them! So cute! Another pattern added to the list of must haves xox
:-)))) soooo cute!!!
They are way too cute! Do you think I'm too old to have on ein my bedroom?
These are so cute and adorable - you reference the pattern, does this mean you made them? Seems like you might be the mobile queen..!
I love the way the little fellas have been made into a mobile. It's great that they can just hang around all day!!?
VERY cool!!
they are the cutest owls! I saw them at the Sydney craft show and wish I'd bought a kit for my daughter.
What is it about owls ? They are so darn cute. If I were an old sock, I would be very happy to end up as an adorable owl.
I love owls! And these little ones are just so sweet:)
Oh my goodness! Those are just too sweet!
That's sooo cute!...:)
another ohhh ahhh Bravo from me too Nikki!xx
very very cute. it's the little feet and ears that make me go ooooh . clever
They're absolutely gorgeous! She's a clever one.
Oooh I bet your litteuns love them!
very cute...they look like they would could be used for throwing around a bit as well.....or I've just been hanging out with my 3 year old too much!
Hooo hooo hooo wouldn't love them - they are incredibly cute!
too cute! she's clever that lady and so are you for making it, so cute and good colour choice!
So, so cute! I've already received my first sock owl pattern in the mail. just have to find a suitable sock :-)
oooh aaah indeed, they're just gorgeous and as usual, you did a great job Nik.
Nice job you excellent Mama you. And so pleased you didn't use those intestine socks I just bumped into!
Adorable! I love what you said about socks being "so yesterday!" Too funny!
Nikki these are gorgeous and I looove the colours.
Who's a clever girl !!
A week late ... these are so gorgeous! I can't help much with the sleep we kind of developed our own cry it out method by putting a few different things we read together. I had a good book and some pillows and a blanket on the floor in the doorway of the room starting where he could see me and slowly edging to where he could hear me but not see me. It took about a week, I didn't enjoy it but it was worth it in the end. Good luck and hugs.
I love them♡
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