An unexpected gift with a simple "you'll probably need to dye it because the colour is not great. Is that OK?".
"Of course not," I replied, filled with an equal mix of love from this act of kindness, and fear of not having a clue on what is involved in dyeing. Hazy memories of tie-dyed tshirts came flooding back to me... an arty phase I was not eager to relive.
The Present
I decided to try and step outside my comfort zone and not go for black. A dark green seemed like a subtle shift in colour I could manage. But standing in the chemist - overwhelmed by all millions of little tins - I panicked and stuck with what I know (and love). So armed with my $4 tin of Ebony Black, I read and reread the instructions.... it felt like a recipe for disaster!
Maybe it was the original colour of the jumper or something I buggered up in the process, but my should-be-ebony-black jumper is now a gorgeous deep green.
I'm not at all disappointed and sort of love that the jumper took control and helped me stick to my original decision.
The Future
....to refashion this deep green jumper into a fabulous top I love to wear. I have been completely inspired by some awesome refashioning here and here. And of course here.... the post from the gorgeous unexpected gift giver that started all this craziness! Cross your fingers for me.....
Check out other spaces full of creativeness at Kooyotoo...
I think it is just perfect..Have fun turning it into "your own".
Oh nice work! Looking forward to seeing it refashioned!
good luck! can't wait to see the end result!
I love the green! Much prettier than black (and I LOVE black). Looking forward to seeing the end result!
nothing could be prettier than this color...it was meant to be!
I think the colour you ended up with is lovely. What sort of dye did you use?
You gotta love those unexpected turns for the better. A great adventure. Good luck with the next step.
Nothing like leaving it to your materials to decide the outcome. Great colour. I will be interested to see what it becomes.
Hey this unexpected turn of events was a total success!
Have a lovely day wearing your old-new jumper!
It's gorgeous, what a great colour!
I think it turned out a great colour. Can't wait to see the results of your refashioning.
I love that colour! What a fabulous job :) K
Now that's a happy accident. Great color. Have fun creating!
I think you're very brave! Gina is very good at enforcing creativity by gifting something and telling you to do something with it! Have fun with your refashioning adventures :-)
obviously meant to be - looks fantastic (the colour)!
It's a terrific colour. I can't wait to see your refashion.
Well done. I've never braved dying, but I think it is something so handy to have the skills for, in order, to transform garments. Have fun!
the out come was great. well done. I have never had success with dying so lucky you.
It is a great colour and I know dyeing knits is difficult. We used acid dyes at college but they are soooo much work and the ingredients need to be precisely weighed out.
according to my small knowledge on dying, the colour will depend on the fabric so it can turn out different even with the same dye...So happy ending as I think the colour is probably more interesting:)Looking forward to the future now:))
How fortuitous to get what you were after all along! I love the colour too, I'm feeling a bit over black, maybe it's because Spring is near (oh yes it is!).
Aha, you got the colour you were looking for anyway! Says a lot about the strange workings of the universe!
You trickster you! You sounded so confident about the whole dying thing whereas all along you were as terrified as I! Well done on tackling a comfort zone. It's showing a whole heap of promise already!
I love the green... seems black is trying to move on and you're just beginning to take the hint!!!
I'm so thrilled that you're giving this a shot, I love that I'm forcing you to do something I"VE never attempted. Rude. But effective! Thanks for playing :-)
Wowzers, I'm late with my space today.
hooray!! I love a good refash - can't wait to see what you do with it!
I never thought of checking the chemist for fabric dye. Will shop around next time!
Dyeing is fun. And not at all scary, really. I miss it, must find some time to get a bit more done (kid free time. Hahahaha)
Expect the unexpected... How awesome are clutterpunks creations... I just like looking at the results of creations...so inspiring to read and look through. *Throws fist in the air* Up Cyclers United...
xo Steph
How exciting - I can't wait to see what more makes it. I love the colour, can't wait to see the refashion
That colour is delicious!
fingers are doubly crossed! pity it did not come out blac, maybe u need 2 tins
Looks great. You are not alone in your fear of using dyes!
I love the colour and this is from another who only wears black (and I mean only!).
Hmm, dying can be so unpredictable. Black can have so many undertones, it could have turned out a muddy magenta ~ but lucky you, this green is really nice, probably nicer than if you'd actually bought a green.
You know, I have the same issue when I try and make black icing for cakes - it always comes out deep green. The colour looks beautiful on your jumper (and not so authentic when you are icing Thomas The Tank Engine). Looking forward to seeing the re-fashion.
how fun!
popped over to look at your cute blog header. it makes me smile!
It turned out great. My only experience with dying some piece of clothing was 1) that top didn't turn out dark red, but some vague pinkish colour and 2) all the things I put into my washing machine after that turned pinkish too. So I decided never to dye in the washing machine anymore. Whether or not I will dare to try it another way stays to be seen..
Can't wait to see your refashioning! I love those projects. I recently turned an old t-shirt of mine into a t-shirt for my littlest one and I love it, especially because of the fact that it was a refashioning project. Very rewarding I can tell you!
I love the change in color. So beautiful!
Oooh! I super love the way it came out. I love green and it's what I like to call a "happy accident!" Awesome!
Thanks for visiting me again this week! I love hearing from all my new friends! :)
Gorgeous colour! Would love to try dyeing one day.
What dye are you using?
The one I am using costs $12 a packet ahhhh!
And at first go it turned out PURPLE!
I love the colour yours has gone though :)
I cannot wait to see the restyle!!
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