... I decided to make them something a little more practical and a little less material-thrown-over-children's-heads. I had romanic notions of creating my own super awesome costume but got tired of that idea pretty quickly after a few awful, awful attempts. Mr was getting ready to duck, still traumatised after the alleged house-throwing incident.
A late night panic session resulted in a less romantic but practical idea. My thinking was that a costume that went over clothes was likely to:
a) get in the way of serious playing (the party was at a park)
b) be hot (given that the forecast was for 28+ degrees)
c) be rejected with irrational crying
So I decided to play it safe, save my time and sanity, and followed a pattern. Thanks to Simplicity 5982, here is my little leopard and the cow she chased into the jungle.

The pattern didn't have tails so I just made a waistband, and used boning in the leopard tail to make it stick out and some fur on the bottom of the cow tail.
I will admit to googling "leopard tail" and "cow tail" to make sure they looked right. Attention to detail or ridiculous need for things to be right...?? You can decide!
The costumes look great Nikki! If your kids are anything like mine they will be wearing them day and night! Glad the little lion girl liked her pressie too.
Your little 'animals' look wonderful. Knew the little lion would love her bag. Cheers, Elsie:)
Great option in following a pattern, animal print shorts will work all summer.
Very cute costumes!
Nikki, they are brilliant costumes. They can go from summer to winter with the addition of a just a few layers! I love the clever way you you did the leopard tail.
I bet they had a ball!
Nikki they are fantastic! And had I thought of it, yes I would have totally googled the tails. Can't you just imagine some random child in the park exclaiming, "That's not what a cow tail looks like!" had you got it even slightly wrong!?
Glad the lioness loved her bag :)
They area fantastic, and so are the beautiful houses. You're such a clever thing.
aren't late night stress outs great?! i reckon that's when we come up with out best work. They look great and very practical. and i would have googled the tails also!
x isis
Another job well done, Mum. Those look perfectly practical and comfortable and sweet and dressed-up all at the same time. (And at least if you had chucked them at the Mr it would've been slightly less ouchy than the houses!).
I appreciate your need for tail accuracy. Yes, perhaps a need for things to be right... but you let that go for the rest of the costume so I think you could have your little perfectionistic outburst over the tail! Dang they look cute too.
Very practical and authentic too! Well done. Looks like a great time was has by all.
Now that's just adorable!
I have to make some dress ups for a girlfriends kiddies for christmas, so now I have some wonderful inspiration.
You' ve done such a fabulous job with these costumes! I really giggled with you googling about the tails! Woohoo for attention to detail- Well done!!
Annamaria :)
Great little costumes Nikki, your mini wild animals look so cute!;)
The lioness looks so proud of her beautiful bag!They are so lucky to have a clever mum and aunty!
Perfect solution Nikki. I am glad that all went well. xx
ADORABLE!! I wonder if I could get away with an outfit that had a tail??? Love it!
ha ha, the cow she chased into the jungle, loving that! Great costume effort and attention to detail Nikki!
The tails are the absolute highlight! (although I admit I was more than signed up to the ghostie version). And yes, of course you had to google the tail detail. Right with you there...
Oooh! I want one. I want one. Mmmm, an outfit with a tail. Perfect attire to wear to a market wouldn't you say? Create a little interest?
Nikki love those first costumes! They made me laugh. A little impractical perhaps but I guess that's the price we pay when we want to look good!!
As for the tail googling...I'm all for it...what self respecting cow or leopard would want to be seen with a tail that seems to have been borrowed from some one else...not a pretty sight!
Those costumes were really adorable, and the tails looked perfect. Slightly more practical than the jungle animal ghosts (although they did make me laugh...)
Hi Nikki, these are Cuuute! I love the B'Day girls pressie too! My word V is liond! LOL
Well done Nikki Girl... I think the tails are the best part and your kids wouldn't have pulled off the outfits with out them... Award yourself a gold star for the doggie bag...
xo Steph
very, very cute!!!
Great little outfits, Nik. The kids looked great and had a wonderful time at the party. Yes, the 5 yr old does love her bag, it goes lots of places full of "hard animals".
Your kids looked sooooo sweet. Great outfits for running and playing in too. Did the tails stay on all day or did your little jungle animals get sick of them? I know some kids like costumes and some don't. My four year old is a dress up fiend. Loves costumes like his Mummy. The seven year old, not so much...
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