This issue of MixTape is full of lots of cool stuff, including an article by Sooz about rules (yes, I too am embracing the wonk!) and instructions from Kirsty on how to make a Multi Tasker. I spent one very relaxing afternoon making one of these and they are great.
Now as a treat for me which becomes a treat for you, the lovely Justine from MixTape has given me two copies of Issue 11 to giveaway. So to get your hands on one, tell me what you think is great about a mag dedicated to all things craft and cool?
I'll choose two people to send the mags to on Friday 4th. But don't wait until then to sit down yourself with a cuppa and some chocolate! Have a great week.....
hey lovely Nikki,
we need to sit down together with a good cup of tea & some yummy cupcakes!
what's your favourite flavour again :) let me know when you are free
Oh the power of the internet...thanks to you I am now having a caramello koala with with cuppa!This is very decadent for me in the morning, yay! Hope you have a nice little break and thanks for the mag giveaway, hope I win!xo
I have been sitting with a cup of tea all morning nursing a cold. I wish I was having a nice relaxing cuppa like you. I love this mag because it is a great way to discover new blogs and new independant designers who I love to support.
I made a Multi tasker with Kirsty too, and I use it all the time! Couldnt live with out it! (dont enter me in the draw Im a subcriber) Love it.
My copy arrived in the mail last week and I just haven't had time to actually sit down and read it yet. Maybe thisarvo.... have a lovely week.
Having ordered the new Mixtape the other day I'm not sure that I qualify, however maybe you still want to know? Perhaps I could give it to my dear crafty sister?
A mag for all things craft and cool is the only mag I need. It means I can get my craft fix without my husband asking me "Are you still on the computer?" I mean, how can you explain to your not-interested-in-craft-husband that you just really wanted to see if such and such got their project finished? Or what such and such's Sunday stash is? Or who won that giveaway? I can't. But Mixtape understands. :)
Sounds like a gorgeous start to the day (and week!)...especially when you get to feel virtuous with washing out etc!
I've never seen Mixtape in the flesh as it were, but all I hear about it is good...and it's just so nice to have another source of inspiration...can never get too much of that!
I own 1 copy of a craft magazine which was given to me as part of a beginners sewing swap that I was in. Apart from the beautiful sewn gift that I received, the crafty mag was the *best present ever*. I have read it over and over and over again, I flick through it on the loo (tmi!!) I have it lying around the lounge so I can pick it up should I get a spare 5 minutes to myself and I have made several things out of it. I love it so much, it makes me happy!! And now you've got me wondering why on earth I haven't gone out and bought another crafty mag???
Whats not cool I ask? I want to subscribe, it's on my to do list/birthday/christmas/wish list! (sigh!)
What a great start!Enjoy!!I should get my copy on Saturday at the market...and then it will be my turn to have a great excuse to have tea, and chocolate:)xx
I sometimes forget about other types of magazines...when I go into Barnes & Noble, I take a pile of crafty mags and soak up as much as I can, then buy 1. Well, no more than 2. Once I bought 3, but I felt very guilty. And Mix Tape has always sounded to me like the very best kind of crafty cool mag, like one made by someone who speaks my language. Yum.
sounds like you had a lovely morning! I like your mug BTW
The best part of a craft magazine is its portability. I can read it in the pool chairs out back enjoying the sunshine or curled up in bed at night without worrying if the battery will last.
Well, I already have my copy of Mixtape (oh oh OOOh how good is it) but I do wish the best of luck to those who entered to win a copy - this issue was great as usual.
Good on you for actually taking some time for yourself to sit and actually read it x
Ahahahaha - you have to make these giveaway questions harder my dear, because that one is just too easy!
What is great about a mag dedicated to all things craft and cool...?
Erm.... EVERYTHING. Duh. ;)
Seriously though, the first time I read MixTape it was like a revelation, their was an article in there by Gina @ Good Gracie about how she is choosing to raise her daughter & what she does & doesn't want for her & I was nodding along like a crazy person the whole time. This was pre-blog-addiction, when I didn't realise that there was a huge big wide world of craft-aholic awesomeness out there... it may have even held the door open for me to step on through & see what all these cool kids were about with their .blogspot or .typad thingies attached to them... ;)
Not only is Mixtape a crafty cool mag, its created by a crafty cool woman who finds time in her day to collate a mag to inspire other crafters. Now thats cool. x
Ahem - I'm a little embarassed to admit I got the first few copies of Mixtape in stores and have intended to subscribe ever since - but still have not done it...
What I loved about it is that it was full of articles and inspiration that I was actually interested in, not the usual one-in-five articles in a reglar mag.
Hey Supermum! Already do Mixtape so I'll let that one go through to someone else. It's already way too cool, but it'd be even cooler if someone awesome I know wrote an article in it about great gifts for kids :-)
A mag like mixtape lifts the spirits & makes you feel apart of something that is SO special - being able to link all the amazing creative crafty peeps together!
I wish I could say that I already have my copy of Mixtape but I am yet to even hold a copy in my hot little crafty hands! I feel that I am missing out on something great in the crafty world!
Hmmm, a mag dedicated to all things craft and cool....
what better reason to sit and relax and catch up on all that's new and exciting! I am inspired- but first a cuppa and chocolate, oh and add Mixtape to my christmas list - maybe I will be lucky...
Nikki, think its great to read and get inspired and maybe have a coffee whil I am doing it.....giveaway over at mine too
I keep starting bits but not finishing them. I do like your coffee mug and am conjuring a mental image of you setting down the mug, whipping off your specs and heading out to do twin things! Cuppa in hand, chocolate hunt on, magazine in sight. Lisa.
...what's great about a mag dedicated to all things craft and cool?
...the fact that it's a mag!
...you can sit with it curled up in front of the fire with hot chocolate or take it to the beach or sit and read it on the bus...I can't help it but I'm a child of the 70's (OK so it was the 60's) and although computers are great for finding craft info, old habits die hard and I like reading my craft in books and magazines!
I already have ordered a copy of Mixtape, I'm hoping it will be in my letterbox tomorrow. I am so looking forward to it. I really hope your day finished as well as it started, it sounds nice having a moment with a cuppa, some chocolate and a nice crafty magazine. Hopefully that will be me tomorrow. :) maybe even the next day?
A crafty magazine is a hard copy of inspiration that is portable so I can get my fix whenever I need it. Great for relaxing moments and holidays away from the computer and sewing machine.
I have never read Mixtape, do I need to subscribe?
Woohoo for 2 sleeping children... We had 3 today which was just insane!!! But they aren't very well :o(
You know the bestest thing EVER about mixtape is that after I bought my first copy I could have sworn it was written directly at me!! Then I spoke to a few more people and read all these wonderful blogs and learnt that EVERYONE who reads Mixtape feels EXACTLY the way. How freakin awesome is that!!!???
Uh Oh one is awake... must dash and finish my cuppa before I venture forth...
Big Love Steph
Washing on the line, little one asleep and a mug of hot chocky - bliss and all the more special because such times don't come around very often. Enjoy! :)
Sorry that was mean't to be little ones. :(
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