Because she doesn't have dinosaurs, I made up a set of 4 shapes - circles, triangles, squares and rectangles - in 4 colours - red, blue, yellow and purple.
Similar to the dinosaur game, on one side of this game board, there are 4 white shapes. This side is used to identify the different shapes and sort them by type.

On the other side are 4 coloured blobs. This side is used to sort the shapes into the different colours.

Like last time, this game board is made from plywood wrapped in one of the kids' old fleece blankets, then covered with black fabric.
I also made a bag to store the board and shapes so:
- they don't get lost
- my friend doesn't curse me when she finds little shapes all over her house (not that she would ever curse me!)

This game is easy to make and could be made from scraps and recycled/thrifted materials. I had plywood left over from another project but an old wooden/cork placemat would work just as well.
I love this game because it is handmade, can be played with 1 or more kids and has some learning involved. I also like to imagine it is fun! Like the dinosaur game, I have plans to make a dice and can see potential for different games using the board and shapes.
For more creative spaces, head on over to visit Kirsty who is getting all excited about making things in her new house.

Love it - children love packing away when they can see the order - and having such a beautiful bag to pack in to fabulous
That's a fabulous game - you're so clever with what you come up with Nikki! I especially love the idea of a bag to pack it all into. Packing. Up. Is. Good. (Well I keep trying to convince my boys of this).
Another wonderful idea. We already play "cardigans dinosaurs" at home here - brill!
that is a great idea Nikki. it is so beautifully made too
What a clever idea! And as michelle above says, beautifully crafted too!
It's a fantastic game. I love all the colours and the simplicity of it all. As the saying goes... the simple things in life are often the best.
Please leave me out of your giveaway. I already have a copy of issue 10! How great is mixtape?
What a great game, and how special to make them a game rather than buy one. It's really gorgeous.
you're soooo clever!!!
love it, love it, love it ♥
I love this Nikki! you are very clever!
What a fantastic game, I bet it is a big hit with the little ones x
It is a big hit with the little ones! Amelie likes to put all of the shapes in to the bag and Zoe sorts things in to different piles - I would love to understand what is going through her little head, it seems so random but done with such conviction there must be good reasons for everything. We would be lost without our "Nikki" toys and games. X
Clever game for the little ones! Wish I had -your- teacher brain.
Btw, never heard of the magazine. Would love to check it out.
the shapes so appeal to me...and the pouch to hold them all of course.
What a great game. I might have to copy this and make some up for christmas gifts for under the wishing trees around town.
It looks like a lovely game. I really like that it has it's own special bag.
This is another great idea. I loved your dinosaurs too and will add this to the list of great suff to make for the children :)
I just can't get over how wonderful that game is.
OK, I'm seeing a book in the making... come on, Nikki, you would have to be one of the best brains and creatives out there for this type of creation!!!
I have MixTape already, but I'm enjoying your ditzyness and subsequent generosity...
Fab game, I liked the dinosaur one too. You could make these to sell, I'm sure they would be popular xo ps I love whippets too, my boyfriend of days gone by, had a lovely one called Gidget. She was so gorgeous x
N, it's so bleedingly obvious. This is your niche. I'm putting it top of the agenda!
Oh I love it. It's gorgeous. Such a great idea.
Don't put me in the giveaway. I already subscribe.
Such a fantastic idea! you're very clever, you know!
I already subscribe, so better leave me out of the giveaway. But thanks!
such a great idea and so well made!! fabbo
That would be a great gift Nikki.
I'm another one loving the bag to store it in too. Board games are such a great way to learn without the kids realising it.
Learn through play - works for me!
What a fab idea! Thanks for sharing it :) Is covering the board with fabric very tricky?
Another great idea and such a well thought out gift. The bag is a perfect finishing touch. Just awesome!
Great idea and beautifully made Nikki!I love the fact that it does not come in an ugly cardboard box, but in really pretty handmade pouch!Well done (I have my copy of Mixtape already just eed the couch , tea and quiet:)xx
It's amazing how much fun and how much time little kids can spend sorting into shape and colour piles!
I like your little tag at the side of the game bag but couldn't read what it said.
Brilliant! Great idea for kids my little one watching it with me and got all excited about it =D
I love your ideas for kids!
Such a great idea! Great fun for learning shapes & colours. Love those dinos too. Thanks for comment re: slimy teeth! I know what you mean. Three things I can't wait to do... eat an apple properly, run my tongue over my new teeth and smile at everyone with a big, toothy grin! :)
This is such a great idea! So lovely of you to make for your friend too :) K
You are such a clever inspiring supermama!
That is a wicked game... Have you seen these I want to make these for Bear as he has started reading the weet-bix box (always a sure sign of healthy learning) He got upset last week at breakfast. I asked why he was crying and he said that I didn't buy the 'organic' weet-bix. He pointed where the word should be and sure enough it was gone!! Hehe
Mixtape Rocks too!!!
xo Steph
Nice one Nikki! What a lucky friend you have! Looks beautifully made as usual too ;)
I LOVE it...I really need to do something like this, it would certainly get a ton of use that's for sure. And how great that it is so portable..Great Job
It's wonderful...I'm sure it's very well loved. Something to be cherished and passed on.
NIce job Nikki.
Ticks all my boxes!!
I haven't had my hands on a copy of mixtape ever but have heard/ read all about it. Hmmm, I might suggest a sub for Christmas...
I love the whole package! Educational, colourful, thrifty and fun. You are a fab friend too!
Another great idea beautifully executed ... what else would we expect?? Luckyv friend's kids!
Very, very cool! Love that it all packs away too! You are to clever.
such a great idea ~ and a great gift! thanks for sharing your ideas too!
Great idea, and smart to make a bag to hold it all. Although, I have to say that my two-year-old, who has plenty of bags for specific purposes, either refuses to keep things in the bags or stuffs them full of so many other odd things that I end up not being able to find random things later in the week! ;)
that is brilliant- I have been thinking about a sorting game of sorts... bloody good job love.
What a wonderful idea Nikki. Would it be okay if I borrowed the idea for a Sinterklaas present? Very creative, wonderful!
Great idea! It will go on the gift list.
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