- removed the suit collar and added a larger, black collar
- cut some padding out of the shoulders
- removed the jacket pockets and zigzaged them closed
- cut off the buttons and button holes and added black panels to the front
- shortened the jacket and added a zipper
- thread sketeched buildings on the front of the jacket and on the bottom of the left leg of the pants
- sewed a black panel on the bottom of the right leg of the pants
Now before you go thinking I am the girl who cried wolf, panicking that first my top was ruined then worked out, and then that the suit was ruined then worked out.... this refashioning thing can be tricky. Satisfying but also very frustrating. I love the freedom of not sewing to a pattern but that can also be hard when something goes wrong. On both occasions, I really thought what I had done was beyond saving. So the lesson learnt for me is that I must not panic when refashioning. It is likely that things will turn ugly before falling into place.

So anyway, the gig was awesome and My Mr looked great! He loved the suit and even mentioned it on stage. I was very chuffed and even blushed a little!

** the long version involves removing the collar then sewing it up without a collar, making a round neck, collarless jacket that looked like something my mum would wear. Now my mum dresses well, but never ever do I want my husband to dress like my mother. So after lots of looking and thinking and cursing and then a fresh set of eyes, I cut the neckline deeper and added the black collar. And you know those black panels that were added to the front, that was because when I cut off the buttons and button holes and added the zipper, the jacket was too tight to do up. So the zipper had to be removed while I tried to work out how to make the jacket wider... and that's the reason for the black panels.
So clever!!!! I love that your husband was proud enough to mention your refashion on stage. very cute :-)
You are a bloody legend Nikki, and an example to us all in persistence and patience. Suit looks very spunky- great effort. And, yey Mr. Cardigan for giving you a mention. Nice.
Awesome! I LOVE the thread sketching and the black collar. See, it all turned out in the end, you can't even tell where you kicked it (haha).
OMG that is the coolest rocker outfit ever! I love how you thought outside the square and turned the errors into something fabulous. Now hubby has an absolute one of a kind designer suit.
About midday yesterday I remembered that it was GIG night and have been wondering how all things suit went. N you have come up trumps with this one! Now about the rest of the band...
Brilliant! Fashion forward, repurposed and appreciated! Great job all round. And you get to go home with the guy from the band!
You go girl. I'm glad you found a way to make it work. On the other hand, I didn't expect anything else. He looks great!
I knew you could do it. The buildings are fabulous! Very designer-chic Nikki.
Mmmm don't know who rocks more him or you !!!
Loving the black panels, the zipper and most of all the thread sketching. TOPS!
I just hopped over from WR. How thoughtful you are for doing that for your man. It looks pretty neat!
Very cool.
That is AWESOME!! You did such a great job, even if there is a long and short version of the story!
Truly good work there. In true refashion style!
I love how the challenges informed the final design. Nicely done!
Love it all but that thread sketching is awesome! I bow to thee....
You are my HEROINE. That's all I can say. And the big testimony... your rock-star husband WORE IT AT HIS GIG.
Nikki, refashioner to the stars!
Wow you did an amazing job!
PS hey guess what (you probably already know!)... this is your 100th post. Good post for it too!
I'm on 99. I'm not sure I care. Should I? Do you?!
Good on you Nik - a great job. You are excellent. Now that you have sewn for the kids, yourself and Mr. --- maybe it is time for the aunty to get something?!?!?!?! (just a thought...)
You are so clever! The suit looks very cool. I love the thread sketched buildings.
Wow well done it looks fantastic
Clever you. I knew you'd do it. Quote from somewhere (I forget where) "The impossible we do straight away, miracles take a little longer."
brilliant work, you are truly inspirational
x isis
very clever. i think he looks uber cool. well done
You are one clever cookie x
What a great example of Nikki's perseverance!!I like the hint from Truj too ;))Another !@$%%#% in view!;))))xx
Yes! You're tool cool for school. I knew you'd come up with something amazing.
Yay! It worked. And it looks AWESOME!
Well done Nikki - it may not have been via the road you planned but you got there and it looks great.
Nikki the suit is ACE! I love how you jump in, experiment and persevere until you have created something totally fabulous. Your Mister looks like a star in his "new" threads.
I think it worked out a treat! Love the black pannels and the collar. Your man looked the part. You should be proud.
I am in complete shock!! 'Picks self off the floor' I think you have learnt the most basic thing behind refashioning. There are no mistakes just hiccups along the road. I am going to build a refashion shrine in your honour!!
xo Steph
Mr B Cardigan certainly did look super cool at his gig, thanks to his very clever and very persistent wife. Is there nothing you can't master Nik?
xxx from a very proud Mum.
It looks fabulous! Super, super job.
Really great Nikki!!! Rock on and get down! Chele x
Oh wow, you kicked the proverbial on that refashion!!! I love it...and so urban-mod-rock-cool!!! (and don't show D - or drummer boy here will want this sort of treatment too for his gigs! TG he's not found a band to join here yet!! haha)
That suit ROCKS!!!
Impressive! You'd never tell the difficulties you went through by looking at it. Looks very indie!
Rock on!!
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